此方法最早由基因學家Sewall Wright(1921)提出,經濟學家Trygve Haavelmo(1943)與認知科學家Herbert A. Smith(1953)亦有相關之研究,最後由美國電腦暨統計學家Judea Pearl(2000)定名為SEM。SEM主要由兩部分組成,測量模式(measurement model)與結構模式(structure model)。在測量模式中使用驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)建構觀察變數與”潛在變數(latent variable)”間的關係;在結構模式中則利用徑向分析(Path Analysis)來探討變數間的因果關係,以建立模式架構。SEM已大量應用於社會科學、行為科學等領域,及市場調查研究領域上等,成為主流的研究方法之一。
相關套件: stats、base、lavaan、stringr、semPlot、semTools、mvnormtest
R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL:http://www.R-project.org/.
Yves Rosseel (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36. URL:http://www.jstatsoft.org/v48/i02/.
Hadley Wickham (2012). stringr: Make it easier to work with strings.. R package version 0.6.2. URL:http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stringr
Sacha Epskamp (2013). semPlot: Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages' output. R package version 0.3.3. URL:http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=semPlot
Sunthud Pornprasertmanit, Patrick Miller, Alexander Schoemann and Yves Rosseel (2013). semTools: Useful tools for structural equation modeling.. R package version 0.4-0. URL:http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=semTools
Slawomir Jarek (2012). mvnormtest: Normality test for multivariate variables. R package version 0.1-9. URL:http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mvnormtest
數學家高斯曾說過”數學為科學之母”,數學的希臘語辭源為”學問的基礎”(取自維基百科),由此可見數學的重要性。某中學老師欲了解學生的數學能力,以Holzinger & Swineford (1939)之問卷對該校七、八年級學生進行智力測驗分析。問卷含五種構念I (空間、語言、速度、記憶及數學能力)並以24道試題呈現。隨機抽取145名七、八年級學生為施測對象協助完成測驗。資料包含性別、年齡(年)、年齡(月)、24道試題成績與年級,記錄如下表,資料說明於表後。
問題解析 :資料中空間概念、語言、速度及記憶等四項因素並無法直接觀測,為潛在(latent)變數,須利用問卷中的試題予以量測,並使用因素分析(Factor Analysis) 類型的統計方法。欲探討四種能力對於數學能力的影響,適合迴歸分析類型的統計方法。
統計方法 :綜合問題解析中的說明,所使用的統計方法須包含具有量測能力的因素分析及能討論變數間因果關係的迴歸分析等方法。可採用分析方法:結構方程模式(SEM)。
結構方程模式 - 分析結果
分析方法: 結構方程模式
資料名稱: 範例F-5
觀察變數名稱: ID, gender, ageyr, agemo, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, grade
計算時間: 5.568秒
樣本敘述統計量I :
變數名稱 Variable
樣本數 Count
平均數 Mean
中位數 Median
最小值 Minimum
最大值 Maximum
標準差 Std. dev.
ID 145 73 73 1 145 42.002 gender 145 1.5034 2 1 2 0.5017 ageyr 145 12.7241 13 11 16 0.9681 agemo 145 5.3448 5 0 11 3.4809 t1 145 29.5793 30 11 51 6.9138 t2 145 24.8 25 9 37 4.445 t3 145 14.3034 14 6 23 2.8218 t4 145 15.9655 15 3 36 8.317 t5 145 44.8483 44 16 84 11.6579 t6 145 9.9517 9 1 19 3.3754 t7 145 18.8483 19 4 28 4.6493 t8 145 28.2 28 10 43 5.3575 t9 145 17.2828 16 2 41 7.9475 t10 145 90.1793 89 30 149 23.7822 t11 145 68.5931 67 19 118 16.6635 t12 145 109.7655 110 61 200 20.995 t13 145 191.7793 191 112 333 37.0354 t14 145 176.2759 177 130 198 10.8285 t15 145 89.3724 89 73 112 7.5424 t16 145 103.4 103 87 119 6.8011 t17 145 7.2069 7 0 26 4.5688 t18 145 9.4759 9 1 20 4.4738 t19 145 15.2414 16 4 20 3.5964 t20 145 30.3448 30 -18 87 19.7802 t21 145 14.4552 15 2 24 4.8319 t22 145 27.731 27 7 50 9.8243 t23 145 18.7517 19 1 40 9.3605 t24 145 25.8276 26 11 35 4.7131 grade 145 7.4552 7 7 8 0.4997
ID gender ageyr agemo t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 t20 t21 t22 t23 t24 grade ID 1764.1667 -1.8611 24.9653 -7.4653 14.6042 6.6111 17.9444 30.9167 112.0694 11.9792 19.0417 37.7292 16.6458 273.6458 95.4375 165.8611 350.6181 43.0486 24.9861 26.625 21.7986 8.8889 9.8125 42.1597 24.3958 9.0625 -18.5694 14.9931 18.1042 gender -1.8611 0.2517 -0.0893 0.0752 -0.134 -0.0514 -0.3483 -0.5728 -0.2286 0.3231 0.2297 -0.0042 0.3705 0.8119 1.4285 -1.1242 0.4244 0.256 0.1237 0.1375 0.4229 0.1338 0.3012 -1.022 -0.2585 -0.197 -0.0616 0.2818 -0.0224 ageyr 24.9653 -0.0893 0.9373 -0.8834 -0.228 -0.0833 0.3273 -0.0165 1.2148 -0.1592 -0.438 -0.3889 -0.5812 4.1123 2.3523 5.664 4.8693 1.1808 1.4437 0.1042 0.0366 0.3058 -0.2802 -1.4598 0.0431 -0.665 -1.5065 -0.3534 0.3 agemo -7.4653 0.0752 -0.8834 12.1164 2.4725 0.4306 -1.2929 -0.6477 -1.7459 -1.136 -0.2459 -0.2153 -0.7926 3.0975 -6.5254 0.2134 0.1252 -4.2 -0.421 -1.8611 -1.3566 0.8903 0.4579 3.9567 -0.1928 -0.5524 2.6695 2.1432 -0.033 t1 14.6042 -0.134 -0.228 2.4725 47.801 10.0125 7.2605 25.7979 26.408 7.9726 9.9357 12.0778 17.4253 17.1315 35.2512 44.6507 124.6565 9.7071 11.6161 19.7181 5.3376 11.4932 6.6439 49.2433 12.3803 28.1013 30.3254 8.9061 0.5192 t2 6.6111 -0.0514 -0.0833 0.4306 10.0125 19.7583 2.3875 15.4167 14.2542 3.4208 3.2958 3.7139 6.8764 7.0153 11.175 15.675 40.8028 3.9375 4.5194 8.7403 0.2222 5.1514 1.7639 25.8819 6.3069 10.2375 14.1931 4.3125 0.3208 t3 17.9444 -0.3483 0.3273 -1.2929 7.2605 2.3875 7.9628 8.5869 10.1575 2.48 3.4839 5.0431 5.8372 8.6188 11.6452 11.7244 40.6508 7.6379 3.9557 5.8917 1.6451 3.3199 1.5721 11.7627 4.5276 4.4433 7.6523 1.5874 0.2706 t4 30.9167 -0.5728 -0.0165 -0.6477 25.7979 15.4167 8.5869 69.1724 36.8975 9.2067 11.092 16.9167 22.9543 14.7632 25.1248 41.6585 114.7632 14.5235 12.874 16.3333 5.278 12.9887 5.3903 54.8036 16.5575 31.4212 33.3247 9.0982 0.5852 t5 112.0694 -0.2286 1.2148 -1.7459 26.408 14.2542 10.1575 36.8975 135.9074 24.4648 35.4421 35.8431 66.7376 87.1038 66.5281 51.4503 148.2649 32.9935 19.2652 14.0125 11.3302 13.6908 8.2035 92.2332 17.9793 50.9242 47.3579 22.8348 2.1251 t6 11.9792 0.3231 -0.1592 -1.136 7.9726 3.4208 2.48 9.2067 24.4648 11.3935 11.2773 9.4125 19.1665 16.7657 20.2233 7.3567 39.3087 10.4648 6.3375 6.6167 4.2531 2.5092 3.0465 28.9195 4.293 12.9105 13.6615 6.8875 0.2791 t7 19.0417 0.2297 -0.438 -0.2459 9.9357 3.2958 3.4839 11.092 35.4421 11.2773 21.6157 15.7597 25.321 28.0691 19.2087 19.3114 61.2302 11.7366 5.5152 6.3458 5.3233 3.8227 4.0369 42.1638 7.0626 18.2922 17.7537 9.6403 0.5834 t8 37.7292 -0.0042 -0.3889 -0.2153 12.0778 3.7139 5.0431 16.9167 35.8431 9.4125 15.7597 28.7028 22.8528 37.7833 26.2139 32.6583 80.3708 14.0764 6.8625 10.8847 6.625 6.0708 5.0347 45.5972 9.3389 19.1167 24.7792 9.8125 0.6375 t9 16.6458 0.3705 -0.5812 -0.7926 17.4253 6.8764 5.8372 22.9543 66.7376 19.1665 25.321 22.8528 63.1625 33.7684 38.0256 20.2126 79.9934 21.5048 12.7829 12.7542 10.3508 7.8437 7.9035 70.9782 10.4468 38.3891 36.8832 15.6463 0.5371 t10 273.6458 0.8119 4.1123 3.0975 17.1315 7.0153 8.6188 14.7632 87.1038 16.7657 28.0691 37.7833 33.7684 565.5926 185.2957 293.1257 368.4357 40.4224 26.905 22.1569 32.7404 33.1363 17.012 76.153 46.1748 36.1875 56.8295 59.3367 4.7859 t11 95.4375 1.4285 2.3523 -6.5254 35.2512 11.175 11.6452 25.1248 66.5281 20.2233 19.2087 26.2139 38.0256 185.2957 277.6736 147.64 325.3124 58.4464 29.9651 35.6222 27.1889 24.688 17.3628 67.0649 31.9157 51.8967 39.1413 32.2905 1.6101 t12 165.8611 -1.1242 5.664 0.2134 44.6507 15.675 11.7244 41.6585 51.4503 7.3567 19.3114 32.6583 20.2126 293.1257 147.64 440.7919 410.8229 29.6415 25.8865 18.3097 26.6739 32.161 8.1195 104.5953 36.1977 41.8532 69.4344 40.9385 2.9061 t13 350.6181 0.4244 4.8693 0.1252 124.6565 40.8028 40.6508 114.7632 148.2649 39.3087 61.2302 80.3708 79.9934 368.4357 325.3124 410.8229 1371.6176 77.5821 38.5689 69.7833 32.2543 53.6335 33.6023 181.3752 77.1081 105.5652 132.9657 62.3089 5.3303 t14 43.0486 0.256 1.1808 -4.2 9.7071 3.9375 7.6379 14.5235 32.9935 10.4648 11.7366 14.0764 21.5048 40.4224 58.4464 29.6415 77.5821 117.2567 31.5979 28.1042 18.4078 9.09 8.5163 66.1889 9.5402 26.533 25.4231 15.0271 0.9777 t15 24.9861 0.1237 1.4437 -0.421 11.6161 4.5194 3.9557 12.874 19.2652 6.3375 5.5152 6.8625 12.7829 26.905 29.9651 25.8865 38.5689 31.5979 56.8881 16.0653 11.9363 10.3424 4.972 39.2526 8.4613 18.1911 17.8153 5.7174 0.5446 t16 26.625 0.1375 0.1042 -1.8611 19.7181 8.7403 5.8917 16.3333 14.0125 6.6167 6.3458 10.8847 12.7542 22.1569 35.6222 18.3097 69.7833 28.1042 16.0653 46.2556 10.5486 10.7875 6.2083 52.9931 11.6361 19.4556 22.5861 8.6597 0.8028 t17 21.7986 0.4229 0.0366 -1.3566 5.3376 0.2222 1.6451 5.278 11.3302 4.2531 5.3233 6.625 10.3508 32.7404 27.1889 26.6739 32.2543 18.4078 11.9363 10.5486 20.8736 9.0953 5.3803 25.1712 4.1691 13.2783 12.8295 7.3831 0.4468 t18 8.8889 0.1338 0.3058 0.8903 11.4932 5.1514 3.3199 12.9887 13.6908 2.5092 3.8227 6.0708 7.8437 33.1363 24.688 32.161 53.6335 9.09 10.3424 10.7875 9.0953 20.015 5.7871 26.8278 7.65 14.5942 11.0287 8.5687 0.518 t19 9.8125 0.3012 -0.2802 0.4579 6.6439 1.7639 1.5721 5.3903 8.2035 3.0465 4.0369 5.0347 7.9035 17.012 17.3628 8.1195 33.6023 8.5163 4.972 6.2083 5.3803 5.7871 12.9344 12.1037 5.7574 12.2529 10.0395 6.3336 0.2713 t20 42.1597 -1.022 -1.4598 3.9567 49.2433 25.8819 11.7627 54.8036 92.2332 28.9195 42.1638 45.5972 70.9782 76.153 67.0649 104.5953 181.3752 66.1889 39.2526 52.9931 25.1712 26.8278 12.1037 391.2553 38.8558 92.6837 95.3848 34.4071 1.3072 t21 24.3958 -0.2585 0.0431 -0.1928 12.3803 6.3069 4.5276 16.5575 17.9793 4.293 7.0626 9.3389 10.4468 46.1748 31.9157 36.1977 77.1081 9.5402 8.4613 11.6361 4.1691 7.65 5.7574 38.8558 23.3469 17.7552 20.2318 10.204 0.6247 t22 9.0625 -0.197 -0.665 -0.5524 28.1013 10.2375 4.4433 31.4212 50.9242 12.9105 18.2922 19.1167 38.3891 36.1875 51.8967 41.8532 105.5652 26.533 18.1911 19.4556 13.2783 14.5942 12.2529 92.6837 17.7552 96.5174 46.7036 17.495 0.6094 t23 -18.5694 -0.0616 -1.5065 2.6695 30.3254 14.1931 7.6523 33.3247 47.3579 13.6615 17.7537 24.7792 36.8832 56.8295 39.1413 69.4344 132.9657 25.4231 17.8153 22.5861 12.8295 11.0287 10.0395 95.3848 20.2318 46.7036 87.6185 19.0194 0.2943 t24 14.9931 0.2818 -0.3534 2.1432 8.9061 4.3125 1.5874 9.0982 22.8348 6.8875 9.6403 9.8125 15.6463 59.3367 32.2905 40.9385 62.3089 15.0271 5.7174 8.6597 7.3831 8.5687 6.3336 34.4071 10.204 17.495 19.0194 22.2131 0.5929 grade 18.1042 -0.0224 0.3 -0.033 0.5192 0.3208 0.2706 0.5852 2.1251 0.2791 0.5834 0.6375 0.5371 4.7859 1.6101 2.9061 5.3303 0.9777 0.5446 0.8028 0.4468 0.518 0.2713 1.3072 0.6247 0.6094 0.2943 0.5929 0.2497
ID gender ageyr agemo t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 t20 t21 t22 t23 t24 grade ID 1 -0.0883 0.614 -0.0511 0.0503 0.0354 0.1514 0.0885 0.2289 0.0845 0.0975 0.1677 0.0499 0.2739 0.1364 0.1881 0.2254 0.0946 0.0789 0.0932 0.1136 0.0473 0.065 0.0507 0.1202 0.022 -0.0472 0.0757 0.8626 gender -0.0883 1 -0.1839 0.0431 -0.0386 -0.023 -0.246 -0.1373 -0.0391 0.1908 0.0985 -0.0016 0.0929 0.068 0.1709 -0.1067 0.0228 0.0471 0.0327 0.0403 0.1845 0.0596 0.1669 -0.103 -0.1066 -0.04 -0.0131 0.1192 -0.0894 ageyr 0.614 -0.1839 1 -0.2621 -0.0341 -0.0194 0.1198 -0.0021 0.1076 -0.0487 -0.0973 -0.075 -0.0755 0.1786 0.1458 0.2787 0.1358 0.1126 0.1977 0.0158 0.0083 0.0706 -0.0805 -0.0762 0.0092 -0.0699 -0.1662 -0.0775 0.6202 agemo -0.0511 0.0431 -0.2621 1 0.1027 0.0278 -0.1316 -0.0224 -0.043 -0.0967 -0.0152 -0.0115 -0.0287 0.0374 -0.1125 0.0029 0.001 -0.1114 -0.016 -0.0786 -0.0853 0.0572 0.0366 0.0575 -0.0115 -0.0162 0.0819 0.1306 -0.019 t1 0.0503 -0.0386 -0.0341 0.1027 1 0.3258 0.3721 0.4486 0.3276 0.3416 0.3091 0.3261 0.3171 0.1042 0.306 0.3076 0.4868 0.1297 0.2228 0.4193 0.169 0.3716 0.2672 0.3601 0.3706 0.4137 0.4686 0.2733 0.1503 t2 0.0354 -0.023 -0.0194 0.0278 0.3258 1 0.1903 0.417 0.2751 0.228 0.1595 0.156 0.1947 0.0664 0.1509 0.168 0.2479 0.0818 0.1348 0.2891 0.0109 0.259 0.1103 0.2944 0.2936 0.2344 0.3411 0.2058 0.1444 t3 0.1514 -0.246 0.1198 -0.1316 0.3721 0.1903 1 0.3659 0.3088 0.2604 0.2655 0.3336 0.2603 0.1284 0.2477 0.1979 0.389 0.25 0.1859 0.307 0.1276 0.263 0.1549 0.2107 0.3321 0.1603 0.2897 0.1194 0.1919 t4 0.0885 -0.1373 -0.0021 -0.0224 0.4486 0.417 0.3659 1 0.3805 0.3279 0.2869 0.3797 0.3473 0.0746 0.1813 0.2386 0.3726 0.1613 0.2052 0.2888 0.1389 0.3491 0.1802 0.3331 0.412 0.3846 0.4281 0.2321 0.1408 t5 0.2289 -0.0391 0.1076 -0.043 0.3276 0.2751 0.3088 0.3805 1 0.6217 0.6539 0.5739 0.7203 0.3142 0.3425 0.2102 0.3434 0.2614 0.2191 0.1767 0.2127 0.2625 0.1957 0.4 0.3192 0.4446 0.434 0.4156 0.3648 t6 0.0845 0.1908 -0.0487 -0.0967 0.3416 0.228 0.2604 0.3279 0.6217 1 0.7186 0.5205 0.7145 0.2089 0.3595 0.1038 0.3144 0.2863 0.2489 0.2882 0.2758 0.1662 0.251 0.4331 0.2632 0.3893 0.4324 0.4329 0.1654 t7 0.0975 0.0985 -0.0973 -0.0152 0.3091 0.1595 0.2655 0.2869 0.6539 0.7186 1 0.6327 0.6853 0.2539 0.2479 0.1978 0.3556 0.2331 0.1573 0.2007 0.2506 0.1838 0.2414 0.4585 0.3144 0.4005 0.408 0.4399 0.2511 t8 0.1677 -0.0016 -0.075 -0.0115 0.3261 0.156 0.3336 0.3797 0.5739 0.5205 0.6327 1 0.5367 0.2965 0.2936 0.2903 0.4051 0.2426 0.1698 0.2987 0.2707 0.2533 0.2613 0.4303 0.3608 0.3632 0.4941 0.3886 0.2381 t9 0.0499 0.0929 -0.0755 -0.0287 0.3171 0.1947 0.2603 0.3473 0.7203 0.7145 0.6853 0.5367 1 0.1787 0.2871 0.1211 0.2718 0.2499 0.2132 0.236 0.2851 0.2206 0.2765 0.4515 0.272 0.4917 0.4958 0.4177 0.1352 t10 0.2739 0.068 0.1786 0.0374 0.1042 0.0664 0.1284 0.0746 0.3142 0.2089 0.2539 0.2965 0.1787 1 0.4676 0.5871 0.4183 0.157 0.15 0.137 0.3013 0.3114 0.1989 0.1619 0.4018 0.1549 0.2553 0.5294 0.4027 t11 0.1364 0.1709 0.1458 -0.1125 0.306 0.1509 0.2477 0.1813 0.3425 0.3595 0.2479 0.2936 0.2871 0.4676 1 0.422 0.5271 0.3239 0.2384 0.3143 0.3571 0.3312 0.2897 0.2035 0.3964 0.317 0.2509 0.4112 0.1934 t12 0.1881 -0.1067 0.2787 0.0029 0.3076 0.168 0.1979 0.2386 0.2102 0.1038 0.1978 0.2903 0.1211 0.5871 0.422 1 0.5283 0.1304 0.1635 0.1282 0.2781 0.3424 0.1075 0.2519 0.3568 0.2029 0.3533 0.4137 0.277 t13 0.2254 0.0228 0.1358 0.001 0.4868 0.2479 0.389 0.3726 0.3434 0.3144 0.3556 0.4051 0.2718 0.4183 0.5271 0.5283 1 0.1935 0.1381 0.277 0.1906 0.3237 0.2523 0.2476 0.4309 0.2901 0.3836 0.357 0.288 t14 0.0946 0.0471 0.1126 -0.1114 0.1297 0.0818 0.25 0.1613 0.2614 0.2863 0.2331 0.2426 0.2499 0.157 0.3239 0.1304 0.1935 1 0.3869 0.3816 0.3721 0.1876 0.2187 0.309 0.1823 0.2494 0.2508 0.2944 0.1807 t15 0.0789 0.0327 0.1977 -0.016 0.2228 0.1348 0.1859 0.2052 0.2191 0.2489 0.1573 0.1698 0.2132 0.15 0.2384 0.1635 0.1381 0.3869 1 0.3132 0.3464 0.3065 0.1833 0.2631 0.2322 0.2455 0.2523 0.1608 0.1445 t16 0.0932 0.0403 0.0158 -0.0786 0.4193 0.2891 0.307 0.2888 0.1767 0.2882 0.2007 0.2987 0.236 0.137 0.3143 0.1282 0.277 0.3816 0.3132 1 0.3395 0.3545 0.2538 0.3939 0.3541 0.2912 0.3548 0.2702 0.2362 t17 0.1136 0.1845 0.0083 -0.0853 0.169 0.0109 0.1276 0.1389 0.2127 0.2758 0.2506 0.2707 0.2851 0.3013 0.3571 0.2781 0.1906 0.3721 0.3464 0.3395 1 0.445 0.3274 0.2785 0.1889 0.2958 0.3 0.3429 0.1957 t18 0.0473 0.0596 0.0706 0.0572 0.3716 0.259 0.263 0.3491 0.2625 0.1662 0.1838 0.2533 0.2206 0.3114 0.3312 0.3424 0.3237 0.1876 0.3065 0.3545 0.445 1 0.3597 0.3032 0.3539 0.332 0.2634 0.4064 0.2317 t19 0.065 0.1669 -0.0805 0.0366 0.2672 0.1103 0.1549 0.1802 0.1957 0.251 0.2414 0.2613 0.2765 0.1989 0.2897 0.1075 0.2523 0.2187 0.1833 0.2538 0.3274 0.3597 1 0.1701 0.3313 0.3468 0.2982 0.3737 0.151 t20 0.0507 -0.103 -0.0762 0.0575 0.3601 0.2944 0.2107 0.3331 0.4 0.4331 0.4585 0.4303 0.4515 0.1619 0.2035 0.2519 0.2476 0.309 0.2631 0.3939 0.2785 0.3032 0.1701 1 0.4065 0.4769 0.5152 0.3691 0.1323 t21 0.1202 -0.1066 0.0092 -0.0115 0.3706 0.2936 0.3321 0.412 0.3192 0.2632 0.3144 0.3608 0.272 0.4018 0.3964 0.3568 0.4309 0.1823 0.2322 0.3541 0.1889 0.3539 0.3313 0.4065 1 0.374 0.4473 0.4481 0.2587 t22 0.022 -0.04 -0.0699 -0.0162 0.4137 0.2344 0.1603 0.3846 0.4446 0.3893 0.4005 0.3632 0.4917 0.1549 0.317 0.2029 0.2901 0.2494 0.2455 0.2912 0.2958 0.332 0.3468 0.4769 0.374 1 0.5079 0.3778 0.1241 t23 -0.0472 -0.0131 -0.1662 0.0819 0.4686 0.3411 0.2897 0.4281 0.434 0.4324 0.408 0.4941 0.4958 0.2553 0.2509 0.3533 0.3836 0.2508 0.2523 0.3548 0.3 0.2634 0.2982 0.5152 0.4473 0.5079 1 0.4311 0.0629 t24 0.0757 0.1192 -0.0775 0.1306 0.2733 0.2058 0.1194 0.2321 0.4156 0.4329 0.4399 0.3886 0.4177 0.5294 0.4112 0.4137 0.357 0.2944 0.1608 0.2702 0.3429 0.4064 0.3737 0.3691 0.4481 0.3778 0.4311 1 0.2517 grade 0.8626 -0.0894 0.6202 -0.019 0.1503 0.1444 0.1919 0.1408 0.3648 0.1654 0.2511 0.2381 0.1352 0.4027 0.1934 0.277 0.288 0.1807 0.1445 0.2362 0.1957 0.2317 0.151 0.1323 0.2587 0.1241 0.0629 0.2517 1
模式方程式 spatial =~ t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
verbal =~ t5 + t6 + t7 + t8 + t9
speed =~ t10 + t11 + t12 + t13
memory =~ t14 + t15 + t16 + t17 + t18 + t19
math_ability =~ t20 + t21 + t22 + t23 + t24
math_ability ~ spatial + verbal + speed + memory
spatial ~~ verbal
spatial ~~ speed
spatial ~~ memory
verbal ~~ speed
verbal ~~ memory
speed ~~ memory
模式適合度分析 觀察值個數:145 估計方法:ML 疊代次數:273 最小化函數檢定統計:
模式 model
卡方檢定統計量 Chi-square statistic
自由度 d.f.
p-值 p-value
I:基準模式又稱獨立模式 概似訊息準則:
模式 model
概似值 likelihood
模式方程式參數估計(未標準化) 潛在變數項:
潛在變數 latent
顯性變數 endogenous
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
Z-值 z-value
p-值 p-value
spatial t1 1.000 spatial t2 0.460 0.090 5.094 0.000 spatial t3 0.297 0.057 5.167 0.000 spatial t4 1.181 0.179 6.611 0.000 verbal t5 1.000 verbal t6 0.293 0.027 10.994 0.000 verbal t7 0.414 0.036 11.368 0.000 verbal t8 0.398 0.044 8.993 0.000 verbal t9 0.717 0.062 11.570 0.000 speed t10 1.000 speed t11 0.716 0.106 6.740 0.000 speed t12 0.950 0.136 7.000 0.000 speed t13 1.707 0.241 7.092 0.000 memory t14 1.000 memory t15 0.690 0.156 4.420 0.000 memory t16 0.745 0.151 4.925 0.000 memory t17 0.511 0.103 4.980 0.000 memory t18 0.515 0.102 5.059 0.000 memory t19 0.325 0.074 4.381 0.000 math_ability t20 1.000 math_ability t21 0.234 0.035 6.594 0.000 math_ability t22 0.497 0.073 6.847 0.000 math_ability t23 0.526 0.070 7.469 0.000 math_ability t24 0.232 0.035 6.689 0.000
依變數 dependent
解釋變數 explanatory
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
Z-值 z-value
p-值 p-value
math_ability spatial 0.821 0.345 2.382 0.017 math_ability verbal 0.492 0.129 3.812 0.000 math_ability speed 0.132 0.081 1.636 0.102 math_ability memory 0.696 0.290 2.395 0.017
變數1 variable 1
變數2 variable 2
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
Z-值 z-value
p-值 p-value
spatial verbal 26.544 5.795 4.580 0.000 spatial speed 43.125 10.607 4.066 0.000 spatial memory 16.907 4.403 3.840 0.000 verbal speed 68.057 17.330 3.927 0.000 verbal memory 25.944 7.020 3.696 0.000 speed memory 52.350 13.926 3.759 0.000
變數 variable
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
t1 24.391 3.893 t2 14.734 1.900 t3 5.874 0.761 t4 36.528 5.683 t5 47.344 6.775 t6 3.793 0.552 t7 6.458 0.980 t8 14.617 1.889 t9 17.692 2.762 t10 310.774 44.454 t11 147.193 21.447 t12 211.533 32.622 t13 631.077 99.951 t14 85.945 11.079 t15 41.977 5.398 t16 29.020 3.996 t17 12.773 1.780 t18 11.782 1.675 t19 9.632 1.234 t20 221.324 29.064 t21 14.056 1.815 t22 54.621 7.172 t23 40.824 5.722 t24 13.076 1.698 spatial 23.080 5.461 verbal 87.626 15.341 speed 250.919 60.528 memory 30.503 10.297 math_ability 25.028 10.965
模式方程式參數估計(標準化) 潛在變數項:
潛在變數 latent
顯性變數 endogenous
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
Z-值 z-value
p-值 p-value
spatial t1 0.6972726 NA NA NA spatial t2 0.4991314 0.09798015 5.094209 3.502003e-07 spatial t3 0.5071163 0.09814220 5.167158 2.376803e-07 spatial t4 0.6842930 0.10350973 6.610905 3.819767e-11 verbal t5 0.8057477 NA NA NA verbal t6 0.8153595 0.07416608 10.993698 0.000000e+00 verbal t7 0.8361608 0.07355106 11.368440 0.000000e+00 verbal t8 0.6980080 0.07761329 8.993408 0.000000e+00 verbal t9 0.8473226 0.07323623 11.569719 0.000000e+00 speed t10 0.6683704 NA NA NA speed t11 0.6828068 0.10131005 6.739774 1.586331e-11 speed t12 0.7188709 0.10269074 7.000348 2.553291e-12 speed t13 0.7326042 0.10330071 7.091957 1.322276e-12 memory t14 0.5118084 NA NA NA memory t15 0.5069482 0.11469188 4.420088 9.866065e-06 memory t16 0.6068362 0.12321932 4.924846 8.442668e-07 memory t17 0.6195218 0.12439004 4.980478 6.342744e-07 memory t18 0.6381723 0.12615138 5.058782 4.219436e-07 memory t19 0.5001172 0.11415170 4.381163 1.180473e-05 math_ability t20 0.6560467 NA NA NA math_ability t21 0.6274959 0.09516851 6.593524 4.295075e-11 math_ability t22 0.6558617 0.09579106 6.846794 7.552403e-12 math_ability t23 0.7285836 0.09755383 7.468528 8.104628e-14 math_ability t24 0.6381529 0.09539869 6.689326 2.242007e-11
依變數 dependent
解釋變數 explanatory
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
Z-值 z-value
p-值 p-value
math_ability spatial 0.3048281 0.12798384 2.381770 0.0172296544 math_ability verbal 0.3562889 0.09345437 3.812437 0.0001376032 math_ability speed 0.1616176 0.09880978 1.635644 0.1019141595 math_ability memory 0.2971493 0.12404893 2.395420 0.0166013377
變數1 variable 1
變數2 variable 2
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
Z-值 z-value
p-值 p-value
spatial verbal 0.5902316 0.07597511 7.768750 7.993606e-15 spatial speed 0.5666926 0.08548525 6.629127 3.376788e-11 spatial memory 0.6371861 0.08329891 7.649394 2.020606e-14 verbal speed 0.4589757 0.08068770 5.688299 1.283112e-08 verbal memory 0.5018150 0.08085958 6.206005 5.434833e-10 speed memory 0.5983741 0.07984999 7.493729 6.683543e-14
變數 variable
估計值 estimate
標準差 std. err.
t1 0.5138110 0.08201070 t2 0.7508679 0.09685058 t3 0.7428331 0.09623285 t4 0.5317430 0.08272742 t5 0.3507707 0.05019575 t6 0.3351889 0.04874370 t7 0.3008351 0.04564884 t8 0.5127848 0.06625510 t9 0.2820444 0.04403177 t10 0.5532810 0.07914299 t11 0.5337749 0.07777308 t12 0.4832246 0.07452091 t13 0.4632911 0.07337704 t14 0.7380522 0.09514385 t15 0.7430035 0.09554220 t16 0.6317498 0.08699598 t17 0.6161927 0.08588791 t18 0.5927361 0.08427212 t19 0.7498828 0.09609783 t20 0.5696028 0.07479967 t21 0.6062489 0.07826235 t22 0.5698454 0.07482238 t23 0.4691660 0.06576084 t24 0.5927608 0.07698067 spatial 1.0000000 0.23663233 verbal 1.0000000 0.17506852 speed 1.0000000 0.24122352 memory 1.0000000 0.33756051 math_ability 0.1496583 0.06556625
方程式路徑圖(彩色圖示暨標準化係數) 方程式路徑圖(黑白圖示暨標準化係數)
指標 index
值 value
判斷準則 criterion
說明 interpretation
Fmin 1.2372 NCP 116.7894 越小越好 Non-Central Parameter GFI 0.8288 > 0.95 Goodness of Fit Index AGFI 0.7878 > 0.95 調整GFI RMR 10.9195 < 0.05 Root Mean Squared Residual SRMR 0.0674 < 0.08 標準化RMR RMSEA 0.0577 < 0.06 Root Mean Squared Error Approximation RMSEA P-值 0.1571 > 0.05 ECVI 3.2744 越小越好 Expected Cross-Validation Index
指標 index
值 value
判斷準則 criterion
說明 interpretation
CFI 0.9143 > 0.95 Comparative Fit Index TLI 0.9022 > 0.95 Tucker-Lewis Index,同Non-Normed Fit Index(NNFI) NFI 0.781 > 0.95 Normed Fit Index
指標 index
值 value
判斷準則 criterion
說明 interpretation
PNFI 0.6848 > 0.5 Parsimonious Normed Fit Index PGFI 0.6686 > 0.5 Parsimonious Goodness of Fit Index AIC 23022.3909 越小越好 Akaike Information Criterion BIC 23195.0414 越小越好 Bayesian Information Criterion SABIC 23011.5088 越小越好 Sample-Size Adjustment BIC
潛在變數 Latent variable
結構信度I CR
平均萃取變異II AVE
spatial 0.6919 0.3652 verbal 0.8999 0.6437 speed 0.7943 0.4916 memory 0.7376 0.3214 math_ability 0.7956 0.4385
I:一般建議CR > 0.7較合適 II:一般建議AVE > 0.5較合適,AVE必須小於CR修正指標(> 3.84)
左側 LHS
關係式 operator
右側 RHS
修正指標 MI
t10 ~~ t24 20.220979 26.98860595 spatial =~ t13 16.345395 3.42705132 spatial =~ t10 13.237412 -1.99630711 t10 ~~ t12 12.551946 107.66530632 spatial =~ t17 11.857517 -0.44472100 speed =~ t24 11.298942 0.12109709 spatial =~ t24 9.634760 -0.55104735 t14 ~~ t18 9.111084 -9.51533876 speed =~ t21 8.273187 0.10676768 verbal =~ t21 7.842220 -0.19080144 t1 ~~ t13 7.498814 35.87362772 speed =~ t20 7.492335 -0.41040398 t1 ~~ t10 7.392686 -23.94582071 speed =~ t8 7.146754 0.07357608 verbal =~ t12 6.653365 -0.49492344 math_ability =~ t8 6.611190 0.12603871 t6 ~~ t12 6.598589 -7.39229577 t6 ~~ t11 6.587695 6.03018866 spatial =~ t16 6.220882 0.47979484 t10 ~~ t13 6.172634 -133.78417060 memory =~ t11 5.988082 0.84351103 t11 ~~ t23 5.834516 -18.36798049 t11 ~~ t12 5.671219 -50.91466405 t14 ~~ t15 5.321954 12.81179067 t13 ~~ t17 5.286894 -20.71235036 t2 ~~ t17 5.141536 -2.87319942 t8 ~~ t9 4.890968 -3.76989395 spatial =~ t8 4.686180 0.23464545 t12 ~~ t16 4.523558 -16.46094197 t19 ~~ t20 4.448097 -8.82173044 t18 ~~ t23 4.432901 -4.51324725 t3 ~~ t13 4.390706 12.40382886 t17 ~~ t21 4.379930 -2.61319950 memory =~ t8 4.309314 0.17419047 t5 ~~ t9 4.286154 7.15993631 t12 ~~ t19 4.228339 -8.89685462 t9 ~~ t22 4.154071 6.29035204 t3 ~~ t22 4.125851 -3.31384264 speed =~ t9 4.098412 -0.06844909 speed =~ t22 4.055922 -0.14998835 t1 ~~ t16 4.022474 5.32962474 t6 ~~ t7 3.970328 1.16808139 t6 ~~ t18 3.939074 -1.30572483 spatial =~ t18 3.860518 0.24845804
I:expected parameter change多變量常態分配檢定 虛無假設: 資料服從多變量常態分配
檢定方法 method
w統計量 w-statistic
p-值 p-value